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Mirva Mäkinen graduated as a Doctor of Dance from University of Arts in Helsinki in 2018. Her doctoral research is about Somaesthetics of Contact Improvisation. She graduated (MA) from the Dance Department from the University of Arts, Finland in 2000, before that she did masters of Physical Education from University of Jyväskylä. 

From 2000 onwards she has been a dance teacher, choreographer and lecturer for dance at the Kallio Upper Secondary School of Performing Arts. She has been teaching in several international dance schools and professional dance companies including for example Cullberg Ballet in Sweden. She is teaching bachelor and MA students in University of the Arts, Helsinki.

She has been working as a dancer with many different dance companies and choreographers, here few of them: Dance company Karttunen Kollektiv (choreographer Jyrki Karttunen), New Circus Company Circo Aereo, choreographer Joona Halonen, Echo Echo dance company (Northen Ireland), collaboration with Frey Faust and collaboration with Joerg Hassmann. During 2014-2022 she has been working as a dancer with Finnish choreographer Valtteri Raekallio.

Mirva Mäkinen has been performing and teaching contemporary dance internationally in more than 40 different countries. 

photographer: Borys Boryshenko
Biography: Welcome


In dance I am interested in the feeling of flow and research of kinetic energy. I love to investigate movement, its rhythm and different ways of inhabiting the body. A feeling of dancing is created by management of gravitational forces, falling responses and inertia.  

My Choreographies, Dance Pedagogy and Art Pedagogy refers to artistic activity infused by pedagogical viewpoints, generating a field of continuous learning. My choreographies provides a strong foundation for creative and critical thinking, as well as development of solid artistic-pedagogical skills. I believe making art is based on listening to and encountering each other. It is an open process of interaction and learning, where we step into the unknown, take risks and try out new ways of doing. 

Choreographies durign last 5 years:

2023 Raja, Dance Theatre Minimi, City Theatre of Kuopio. co-choreography with Katja Mustonen

2023 Saituri - ihana raha, TTT-Theatre, Tampereen Työväen Teatteri.

2022 I surrender, I surrender, Itak-stage, Kuopio. Collaborative chor. with Tuomas Juntunen, Katja Mustonen and Jaana Kurttila.

2022 Come From Away, TTT-Theatre, Tampereen Työväen Teatteri.

2022 Luodos, Helsinki Dance Company, HKT, Studio Pasila, Helsinki.

2022 Kuten haluatte, Ryhmäteatteri.

2021 Bastardi, Forum Box, Helsinki.

2020 30%OFF, Caisa, Helsinki.

2019 Kivi, Sakset, Paperi Itä festival, Stoa, Helsinki.

2019 Music+, Center for New Dance Zodiak, Stoa, Helsinki. This choeography was collaboration with 3 choreographers (Liisa Risu, Sonja Jokinemi and Mirva Mäkinen) for 13 dancers.

2018 Double Bubble, Regional Dance center of Eastern Finland, Kuopio and Stoa, Helsinki.

2018 Ajan ja Paikan Ulottumattomissa, Dance Theatre Tsuumi, Vapaan taiteen tila, Helsinki

2017 The Other, Caisa, Helsinki.

Biography: Who We Are

”You could spend a week listening to the radio and only hearing dead artists, but the song is only a song when it is and by a moment which is alive, that what singing used to be, easily. Contact Improvisation has had aesthetics, kind of controlled anarchy. Anarchy does not need to overwhelm the cultures conservative tendencies. It is a contact improvisation, the anarchy and the conservation.”

Steve Paxton

Biography: Quote



Biography: Contact


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